Christmas Trees
Big Tree Night wouldn't be so special without all the trees above the shops and businesses down the High Street, Church Square, Green Lane, Laleham Road & Russell Road.
Trees usually go up the 3rd or 4th weekend in November and are taken down early in the New Year.
If you're a shop or business that has a tree bracket already fixed, you can order your tree online. Payment is by PayPal or BACS and you can print out an invoice.
You simply need to LOG IN/REGISTER to view your Customer Account and order a tree. The cost is £45, which includes a 4-foot tree, covered with white LED lights wrapped around it and installation into your tree bracket.

Big Tree Night CommitteeChairman: Chantal Mitchell / Rita Nunn
Secretary: Jane Boyle
Treasurer/Website: Niki Molnar MBE
Join the BTN Committee
Music Licences
This event has been supported by the PPL PRS charity and community discount scheme.
PPL PRS licenses the use of copyright music across the UK, giving businesses and organisations the permission they need to play the music they want.
For more information about PPL PRS, visit or call 0800 0720 808
PPL PRS licenses the use of copyright music across the UK, giving businesses and organisations the permission they need to play the music they want.
For more information about PPL PRS, visit or call 0800 0720 808